Alexa + Barcelona Virtual: Leading Voice Marketing

In late October of 2018, Amazon finally launched its long-awaited Alexa-enabled devices in Spain, localised to Castillian Spanish. Barcelona Virtual, our Affinità agency in Spain, quickly snapped up 2 Echo Dots for in-agency research.

And several members of the team went on to introduce Alexa to their families, by means of the popular Smart Speaker, but also by learning to use new “intelligent devices” such as Philips HUE Smart Lightbulbs and Smart Plugs that quickly transformed our homes – as well as our daily routines – into a 21st-Century reality hitherto only seen in Sci-Fi fantasies.

The Alexa Flash Briefing Is Born

But that’s not all they did. The Barcelona team quickly formed their own internal “Alexa Rapid Response Force” and by mid-December 2018, had created the first three episodes of the popular English-language Alexa Flash Briefing on European Marketing and Innovation.

Made up of Interviews with European innovators, Voice News and Case Studies from Europe, the number of episodes has reached 33, with the production of Episode 07 of Season 3 currently underway.

Upon publication, each Alexa Flash Briefing can be heard using Amazon Echo devices by simply asking Alexa to play the latest show. At the same time, each podcast is accompanied by a post on the Blog of Barcelona Virtual in which it is possible to listen to embedded Soundcloud audio of each episode.

Listeners — who currently come from a host of European countries, as well as the USA, Canada, Mexico, India and elsewhere — can also find links and additional resources in these Programme Notes for each episode of the Flash Briefing.

The podcast is also available on: Spotify | Podbean | Apple Podcasts | Alexa | bCast | Soundcloud

Innovation Lab Voice Services

Voice is nothing short of a great paradigm shift.
The Voice Revolution and the birth of AI Bots is changing everything. And crucial for the future of e-Commerce.

With that in mind, Affinità Spain offers the following Voice Services via the Barcelona Virtual Innovation Lab:

  • Voice App development
  • Podcast creation / Branded Audio Content
  • VEO (Voice Engine Optimisation for Search)
  • Ultra-Flow Voice Commerce

For more information, contact the Lab here: